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Pirates of the Caribbean Inspired Duo from Sweet Heart Polish & Ellagee

"Psst!  Avast there!  It be too late to alter course, mateys...and there be plundering pirates lurking in every cove, waitin' to board.  Sit closer together, and keep your ruddy hands inboard.  That be the best way to repel boarders.  And mark well me words, mateys...dead men tell no tales!"  If your a buff you know those are the wise words of the talking Jolly Roger before you go down the first plummet on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.  It's my favorite ride.  My family's favorite ride.  The one we always hit up first and last.  I love that Cassandra (Sweet Heart Polish) and Laura (Ellagee) collaborated to make this amazing LE duo inspired by the ride.  When I first saw these polishes I immediately thought of the cavern full of gold, jewels and treasure.  As a kid I always wanted to reach over and pocket some - a lot of good plastic booty would do me.  Well now I can have that same gold and sparkle on my nails so color me happy.  The Pirate of the Caribbean duo launches Sunday 8/31 at Noon PDT in both shops!  The duo is $22.  Now let's look at pictures!


Sweet Heart Polish: Shop, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

source: fanpop

Up first I have Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! from Ellagee.  I am loving this wearable and flattering gold polish!  It's a perfectly soft shade that's packed with golden shimmer and micro flakes.  It's very reminiscent of sparkly, valuable things that make pirates go all grabby hands.  The formula is a little sheer but it builds up nicely in 3 coats.  Application was perfect - nothing to bring up.  I used 3 coats of Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! and 1 layer of topcoat.  


Next up is Sweet Heart Polish Inflame & Ignite.  This beauty is packed full of gold, red, and holo micro glitters.  Inspired by the end of the ride where you slowly travel under a building/city that has been ravaged and set on fire.  Burning embers and fire crackling are the sights and sounds of this section.  You can use this polish on it's own or as a topper over other colors.  The color combination is actually very Autumn so you can bet I'll be grabbing for this over the next couple months!  The formula of Inflame & Ignite was great.  Plenty of glitter came out and it spread perfectly on my nails.  I used 3 coats of Inflame & Ignite for full coverage and 1 layer of topcoat.      


I also paired the 2 polishes together!  I used Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! as a base with Inflame & Ignite on top.  These compliment each other so perfectly.  I used 3 coats of Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho!, 1 coat of Inflame & Ignite and 1 layer of topcoat.  

If you order the duo you get this awesome doubloon key chain!  What an fantastic little extra that just shows how much thought Laura and Cassandra put into creating this duo.

And just because I want to...here's a picture of everyone's favorite wacky yet genius pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow.  Did I ever tell you I actually got to meet Johnny Depp at Disneyland?  Yup I did and he was personable and funny and talked to my oldest son in his Jack Sparrow voice.  I'm a fan for life.

source: fanpop

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