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And In Gratuitous Scene Equality News...

The powers that be at Star Trek Into Darkness are big sillies.

I don’t mean to say they are as ridikolous as the folks who said the – Spoiler Alert? – scene in which Alice Eve disrobes in front of Chris Pine was sexist (I found it to be fun, actually, as it further cemented Kirk’s attraction for a new Enterprise crew member he already believed to be both hot and smart).

No. You should absolutely follow to understand that I completely mean that they are quite likely worse than those sillies, for they had a Benedict Cumberbatch shower scene in their hands – and they did not use it!

Like, WTF!

Evidently, J.J. Abrams was on Conan last night, sort of echoing and elaborating on the apology that writer-producer Damon Lindelof offered about the scene earlier this week, and he showed the Cumberbatch scene, and where is that scene online! (Heres a piece of a it! Thank you, Internet. And ya welcome.)

This is gonna be one hot DVD extra. Like, this Cumberbitch just may scratch my eventual Star Trek Into Darkness from all the repeating I’ll be doing.

Photo: TheSun.co.uk.

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