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Liebster Award

Liebster Award

I was amazed to find out my blog had been nominated for the Liebster Award by Take Me To Your Lacquer :) It's not so much an award, but a way of finding new and up coming bloggers, who's blog has less than 200 followers.
The rules are, you must nominate another 11 blogs who have less than 200 followers, and let them know you've nominated them. You are given 11 questions by the blogger who nominated you, which you must answer. You must give the blogs you nominate 11 question for them to answer. Finally you must link back to the person who nominated you.

Here's the questions Take Me To Your Lacquer asked me, and my answers.

1. Where did your blog name come from?
From as far back as I can remember, I always bit my nails! My Mum tried everything to stop me, but nothing worked. At times I'd bite them till they bled!! Then about 5 years ago I woke up one morning and just stopped. No miracle cure, just stopped. So for me Bite No More seemed the perfect name, as that's something I will never do again. (My Mum would be so proud of me <3)

2. Do you swatch your whole hand, both hands or just the four fingers of your non-dom hand?
When I first started blogging I used nail wheels to swatch colours. Then I moved onto single nail swatching sticks, even bought a fake hand!!  But just recently I have started to paint my all my nails on my non-dominant hand.

3. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? I kid I kid, what is the dream for your blog? Any hoped for its future? 
It's roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour. Ha ha I googled it!! As for my blog, I'm not planning on becoming world famous, just that readers find what I do interesting, as I'm enjoying every minute of blogging. For its future, I'll carry on as I am now, taking one day at a time and see where the future of blogging takes me.

4. Do you display your polishes or are they tided away?
When I first started collecting polish I have a small plastic box. As it grew bigger I pinched my daughters toy draws! But it got to big for that so she got them back, and I took over the table having my polishes in pink trays. Still growing, I was storing the trays ontop of each other, and just a while ago I bought a Helmer from Ikea. 

5. Favourite film? 
I'm not really a film type of person, although I will watch some. I love comedy and if I had to choose, I would have to say Bruce Almighty. Not sure if I would like to have God's powers though!!

6. What makes a good polish for you? Bottle shape, consistency, brush thickness, etc?
For me personally price is a big part of buying a polish. I have found that some cheaper polishes are better than the more expensive ones. The bottle shape don't bother me, some have brushes that are to small, but I think it all comes done to how an individual painted their nails.

7. What was your dream job as a kid?
I wanted to be a teacher and used to play schools with my teddy bears, but through junior and secondary school I wanted to be a make up artist. Ended up in a office, then a carer for my Mum.

8. Gifts in blogs, yay or nay?
I think everyone like to win at something, and gifts in blogs is no different. I think its a good idea as long as its done for the right reason.

9. What's the best thing that's happened to you because of your blog?
Honestly I can say blogging has given me more confidence with painting my nails, and trying new nail art. Also being asked to be a guest blogger for MUA after a short while of blogging, I was on cloud nine!!

10. Who shot first?
Not sure where I'm going here ha ha, but is this from Star Wars?? 

11. How long can you see yourself blogging for?
As long as I can really. I wish I had stopped biting my nails earlier, as I'm 41 now. But I'm planning on blogging for a few more years yet.

Wow! That got me thinking answering them :)

Here are the 11 blogs I am nominating for this award :)

1.Sassy Little Nails
2.Mother Distracted
3.Makeup With Kimmy
4.Shades of Shell
5.Nail Parade
6.Poppins Nails
7.My Minty Nails
8.Little Night Flower
9.Bathelen's Nails
11.Nailz by Kaylz

And my eleven questions for you all are:

1. What inspired you do start a blog?
2. When someone comments on your posts, do you always reply?
3. Have you ever had any negative comments? If so how do you react?
4. What's your favourite season and why?
5. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
6. If you could change just one thing in your life, would you?
7. Do you enjoy blogging? Or has it taken over your life?
8. Has anything good ever happened to you because of your blog?
9. Sweet or Savory?
10. Would you, or have you got a second blog?
11. Where do you see your blog 5 years from now?

Oh wow that was harder than I thought! Please comment back with a link so I know you have accepted the award and can read your answers :) Thanks again for my nomination!!


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