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Digit-al Dozen; Red, Gold and Green; Day 2

I did this mani shortly after visiting the Girly Bits display; you can see that post here.  One of the polishes that really captured my attention was Girly Bits Eggnogoholic; I didn't buy it at the show as I knew I already had it in my stash from a prior purchase, but after visiting the display and seeing it again, I wanted to wear it right away....I couldn't believe it was still an untried! After picking out an image from my plate stash, I knew how I could incorporate it into a Digit-al Dozen challenge mani; here's what I came up with!

Started with a thin base coat of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and topped with one coat of Eggnogoholic on all fingers except thumb, which is two. (Unfortunately, these pix were taken at a time that I was having terrible cuticles, so I edited the ouchies a little, this is the only editing completed to the pix other than cropping, but thought I would disclose as I do know some are turned off by photo editing.  Looking at these pix, if I was an editing pro, I would have adjusted the red hand flare-up so I think its pretty obvious no other touch ups have been done!)

Stamped using Pueen 15 using Barry M Gold Foil Effects.  I think this is a stunning combination even if the pix don't portray it lol! Unfortunately, my lens didn't know quite where to focus so the pix isn't as clear or sharp as it could be.


I decided to add little glitter berries to the flowers to get red and green in the mix along with the gold to make it challenge appropriate.  Because I'm not a polish maker, I didn't have any small loose glitter on hand, so (and don't think I'm crazy!) I fished out the very small glitter pieces from KBShimmer Kringle All The Way and placed them individually as berries.  You cannot imagine how long this took .....!

The end result. 

Topcoated with HKGirl QD to finish.

This is one of those mani's that can't be really appreciated unless you see it in real life; it really is much more than these pix portray...at least I think so!

Here's the other ladies Day 2 mani's.

Thanks for looking!

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