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Lazy Sunday

Good evening!  It's was a pretty lazy day in my part of Ontario today; rain, rain, thunder, then more rain has been happening for the last 12-15 or so hours.  I was up last night around 2 am when it started and even went outside for a bit to watch the lightning show.  Then went in when it seemed it stopped and then was awaken about 8 am or so again when the thunder and lightning started again.  It has also been raining off and on most of the day so that makes it for a lazy Sunday. We did have a bit of sun late in the afternoon so was able to get outside for a bit. Well, I wasn't too lazy all day as I did a couple hours of much needed housework but all in all, nothing too much productive.  It's a good day to do some blog posts as I'm too busy most days during the week so here is one I'm going to share now.  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of three coats of Dance Legend Wow Prism Quiet Riot, no top coat.

Topped with a base of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using image from UberChic UC 25-03 using MdU 5 and 58.

Stamped the outline using same UC 25-03 plate using Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.

Topped using KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Added dots uding MdU 106, then topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

If you know my style, you know I like my nails busy so added dots for colour and filler using same MdU polishes.

Topped with a final coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

I hope you're having a fantasic Sunday; whether it's a lazy Sunday like me or more productive!

Thanks for looking!

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