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Spaghetti Squash with Sausage

What kind of sorcery witchcraft turns this ... 

Into this...

Craziness! I know I'm a little late to the spaghetti squash party, but now that I showed up, I'm thinking I may never leave. 

It seems like absolute magic that you can put two halves of a squash on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 350 degrees, cook for 40 minutes, shred each half with a fork and suddenly have a plate of 70-calorie spaghetti. 

Let's be real: it doesn't taste exactly like pasta. It's still a veggie. But it's such a perfectly mild-tasting veggie, strong enough to stand up to a meat sauce without getting soggy and soft enough to mimic the consistency of pasta. 

Cooking squash this way seems like a fairly new phenomenon (I don't remember anyone's mom serving this at a sleepover!), but spaghetti squash apparently has been cultivated and grown in the U.S. since at least the 1930s. Do a search on Pinterest and you'll find a spaghetti squash recipe to replace every favorite pasta dish you ever had...can I get an amen for that?

Have you tried it? What's your favorite spaghetti squash cooking trick or recipe? Do tell, because I'm looking for inspiration!

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