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One Direction arrives in Brazil for concerts

British boyband landed early on Wednesday, 7

They have arrived! The boys of One Direction are already in Brazil for a series of presentations. In the early hours of Wednesday, 7, Liam Payne shared the news on his Twitter: "So excited to be in Brazil not believe I'm really here!". He also joked about the fact that the Brazilian fans are loud, "Well, I will not get much sleep today"

This is the first time the group comes to Brazil and presents in Rio and Sao Paulo.. In Rio lands, they do show on the 8th in the Athletes' Park, already in Sao Paulo will be two presentations:. One on day 10 and another on day 11 at Morumbi Stadium

Before Brazil, they passed Colombia, Peru and Argentina. In the Peruvian capital, they were impressed with the amount of fans at the door.

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