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What The Heel? Cannes Film Festival Reportedly Turning Women Away For Wearing Flats

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Cannes Film Festival officials have ruffled some serious feathers with reports that they are turning women away from red carpets if they’re not wearing heels. According to the BBC, women, regardless of age or medical conditions, were being turned away from the premiere of Cate Blanchett’s film Carol for wearing flat shoes. Screen Daily reportedly confirmed the news, sayng that heels were deemed obligatory as part of the dress code.
The director of the festival, however, said the reports were simply “unfounded rumors.”
The website for the festival said dress code was mandatory “black tie/evening dress” for gala screenings, but did not mention heels.

But an unnamed source stands by her story, saying, “Someone I know was turned away for wearing nice flats, nothing you would wear to the beach. They were in their 50s. They told her she could go and buy appropriate shoes and come back.”
Clearly they have no fashion sense or imagination if they are sticking with the ridiculous and antiquated view that women’s fashion has to be synonymous with heels. Even the ultimate heel snob himself Christian Louboutin designs flats!
Twitter, of course, was full of outrage about the story however, after SXSW’s director Janet Pierson Tweeted about the story, saying “Why I don’t go to Cannes.”
Actress Emily Blunt later told Buzzfeed “I think everyone should wear flats.”
“We shouldn’t wear high heels anyway, that’s my point of view,” she said. “You kind of think that there’s these new waves of equality and waves of people realizing that women are just as fascinating and interesting to watch, and bankable.”
It’s always something. So much for the “year of the femme.”
I swear every day feels a little more like we are slipping back into the 1950s.
Check out the Tweets on #flatgate below:

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