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Model legs

.....The model.......
............The Balmain..........
..............and the leg hair......

Some people truly have nothing better to do. Myself included then to speculate over the legs of a supermodel. Basically this is Natalia Vodianova. Model and all around gorgeous human being. Who decided with her blessed figure, she would wear this hot Balmain gown. But now to be fair -- we've all been there. You have the hair done, the nails done, dress on, underwear on, make-up perfect and the taxi is outside. then, shock horror - you realise - you haven't shaved your legs!!!!!
Worse then that, your in a skirt! Worse then that you have no tights on! Worse then that the media are likely to take your photo! (ok, haven't exactly had it that bad)
So what though?
Who cares if a woman has hairy legs? News flash - Woman HAVE hair. In weird places. On their legs! It's just society that has put pressure on us to remove it. It's considered disgusting for some stupid reason. Even now I am cringing a little for her.
But why? Why should I feel bad because she has a little hair on her legs? Because I am sick of being told as a woman I should feel ashamed of my body. Ashamed of it's functions and various 'problem areas'

I should feel ashamed that when I sit down I have stomach folds (remember that model incident?)
I should feel ashamed that I have small boobs, possible wrinkles and any other signs of aging (the entire plastic surgery craze and adverts for anti aging creams)
I should definately feel ashamed that I am not stick thin ( currently the Marie Claire debate)
I should hide away all my 'problem areas' by wearing clothes designed to do just that.

As women we are told constantly how our bodies should look and what we should be aiming for. I for one AM SICK OF IT! So from now on, I am just going to look the way I want. If I am happy in my own skin and comfortable so be it! Society will just have to deal with my hairy legs and unbotoxed face. Do you see men under this much pressure? No. It's accepted that they don't have to give a shit about the way they look!

So go on, Natalia. You go girl. Wear your leg hair with pride! At least this blogs on your side!.....

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