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Leighton Meester Covers 'British Cosmopolitan'

Leighton Meester is British Cosmopolitan's Ocotber cover girl looking perfectly styled and expressing her love for British fashion. “I love British fashion. In New York, everyone wears black but they’re more dressed down. In London, people wear spiked heels or leather jackets or denim in a cool way. It’s different. There’s an edgy, sexy vibe going on.”

  On not wearing makeup: “I don’t care if there are a million pictures of me with no makeup. I love being able to walk down the street without it. We should promote women not having to wear makeup, or at least feel we can go out without it.”

On comparing her style to Blair Waldorf’s: “I’ve never seen Blair with the same bag, coat or shoes twice. I don’t know anyone who had that. I had two pairs of jeans [when I was a teenager] that I rotated. I wouldn’t trust myself with a Prada brag! I didn’t even want to change for gym so I’d wear sweatpants over my jeans, then sweat around the track for an hour.”

On being awkward around people: “If I’m not around close friends or family, I can get quiet and awkward, and it probably comes off as not very nice or just plain weird! It’s not meant to. I try to pull myself out of it but sometimes it’s hard for me to open up. In the past it was easier for me to trust people. Nowadays I judge pretty quickly: ‘You just want to be my friend because I’m on a TV show.’”

Scoot on over to cosmopolitan.co.uk for more on the Gossip Girl beauty.

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