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Game Refused Entry into Canada

West-coast rapper, Game has been refused entry into Canada, and detained for 14 days till he sees a judge. It is not clear what exactly he is being detained for, but something in line with breaking immigration laws. But this is funny, on a track that Game released recently, he was in support of Canadians, accusing America of not supporting their acts- this is in relationship with Justin Bieber and Drake not winning at the last Grammy Awards.

Well, what i am concerned about as a game fan is when he is dropping his R.E.D album. He got back with Dr Dre in 2009, and he has not been able to drop his album since then. I guess dre has infected him with the "album delay virus".

Read the full story below, courtesy of hiphopdx.com
When Game left L.A. on Wednesday on a flight bound for Canada he believed his trip would involved him performing some previously scheduled concerts and then heading home. But when he arrived in Canada he found a world of headaches and customs problems awaiting him. The California rapper was refused entry to the country, for currently undisclosed reasons, and then informed that he would be detained for two weeks until he could go before a judge.

Game went to Twitter to vent his frustration. In a series of tweets he lashed out at Canadian customs, saying, “Customs officials just denied me entry into Canada. I'm sorry 2 ALL my fans but I was mislead by promoters & assured I would be able 2 enter. I'm being detained in Canada for 14 days until they process my inadmissibility then I'll have a hearing heard by a judge. At that point the judge will decide to either deport me or give me a sentence for violating Canada's immigrant entry laws. Fucked up situation !!! But at least they let me call home, & tweet before they lock a n**ga up!!! Gotta turn in my property, y'all be kool... Gotta give up my phone & property. This some straight bullshit ! Flew all the way from LA to be denied and detained?!?!”

However, L.A. Weekly contacted Canadian border officials and were informed that the rapper would not be held for the full two weeks. The official response the paper received is as follows: “While the Privacy Act prevents me from discussing the specifics of an individual case, I can tell you that your information is not consistent with ours. In addition, when a foreign national is detained, they must have a detention review hearing before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) within 48 hours of their detention.” DX will keep you updated as this story develops.

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