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How To Get Rid of Wrinkles Around The Mouth?

Deep wrinkles around the mouth = not cool. They’re unattractive, a bit embarrassing and they can seriously affect our self esteem. In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at what causes them and what you can do at home to get rid of them.

The Causes of Deep Wrinkles Around the Mouth?

Deep wrinkles – also known as dynamic wrinkles and smoker’s lines – aren’t nice to look at, but they’re also more common than you might believe.

Despite being not very nice to look at, why do people say that deep wrinkles around the mouth are the sign of a happy woman?

Probably because too much laughing is one of the causes. Now, that’s scary, but as you can already see, wrinkles in this area of the face are mostly unavoidable.

Age, sun exposure, gender, smoking, genetics can all contribute to wrinkles around mouth. Even our beauty regime can contribute! However, the most common cause us the inevitable ageing process. As we get older, wrinkles being to appear in various places on our skin, from beneath our eyes to our forehead to our mouth.

Sadly, due to our skin structure, women develop more wrinkles around the mouth as we get older than men. Hmph!

The way we live our life can exacerbate things. If you spend a lot of time worshipping the sun, it’s highly likely that you’ll have more wrinkles around your mouth than a woman who hardly sees the sun.

It’s the same if you smoke. In fact, smoking hugely increases your risk of developing deep wrinkles around your mouth before your non-smoker friends. Alcohol can also exacerbate deep wrinkles around the mouth, as can smiling and laughing too much!

Oddly enough, there’s also a rumour that kissing can increase deep lines! If so, we’re really screwed.

Other causes of deep wrinkles around the mouth include:

  • Poor nutrition – junk food in general will speed up the ageing process, especially if you aren’t adding any fruit or vegetables to your diet
  • Dry skin
  • Sudden weight loss – it’s okay to want to lose weight, but if you lose a lot of weight very quickly, you can might lose its elasticity. This can lead to wrinkles.

The Different Types of Mouth Wrinkles


If you’ve been obsessing over your mouth wrinkles, you’ve probably compared yours to other peoples.

And what you might have noticed is that there are different types of mouth lines. These include smile wrinkles, which run from the corners of your mouth to the bottom corners of your nose. Unfortunately, these lines cause your skin to sag. Not nice.

Marionette lines, on the other hand, are the droopy lines that make us look a bit sad. Aww. We’re not really sad – we’re just ageing too fast! (although this is definitely cause for unhappiness). However, marionette lines are caused by a breakdown of collagen, as opposed to melancholy.

Finally, there are vertical lip lines that are often nicknamed smoker’s lines. You don’t have to be a smoker to be beset by smoker’s lines, but smoking definitely worsens these lines and makes them look even worse. How? Well, vertical lip lines are caused by a person – wait for it – using their lips too much. In other words, regular lip movements can cause you to age faster.

We’re taking a vow of silence from now on.

Before then, however, let’s take a look at ….

Tips on How To Prevent/Deal Deep Wrinkles Around The Mouth


Quit Smoking

Surely you knew this one was coming. Smoking is a huge reason why someone might have mouth wrinkles. If you smoke, have mouth wrinkles and are complaining about them and that you’re ageing too fast, it’s time to consider giving up the tobacco.

Continue smoking and you’ll struggle to slow down the ageing process.

Smoking is very unhealthy in general, so now is a great time to quit and improve your heath. Your whole body will thank you for it, from your tongue to your lungs to your heart.

And if you’ve got a partner who’s been nagging you to quit for ages, well, they’ll be happy, too.

“I didn’t quit for you! I quit because of this stupid line on my mouth here.”

Protect Yourself From The Sun

Spending too much time in the sun can age you prematurely, and it can cause deep wrinkles around your mouth to appear. But we get it – no one wants t give up the sun. From now on, protect yourself using sunscreen. If you don’t, the sun’s UV rays will come for you, and they will age you.

Perform Facial Exercises

A really cheap way to prevent or eliminate deep wrinkles around your mouth is to regularly perform facial exercises.

These are not complicated, exhausting exercises that leave you dripping with sweat at the gym and complaining that you might never walk ever again. All they require from you is 15 minutes per day of standing in front of a mirror and moving your face a bit.

To begin, stretch your mouth as far as you can. Pretend you’re doing a big cheesy grin for a photo. Once you’ve stretched your mouth, hold it for 2 seconds before trying to touching your nose with your lips. Hold this position for a further 2 seconds.

Then, return to the wide cheesy grin pose and hold for another 2 seconds.

Then, bring your lips forward and down (pretend you’re saying “go”) and hold for a further 2 seconds.

Repeat all of this until your 15 minutes are up.

Here is another exercise you can try:

Use your index fingers to hook the corners of your mouth.

Then, pull out about a a 1/4” from your resting position before applying resistance with your fingers. Using your mouth muscles, tighten the corners of your mouth towards each other.

Hold this pose for up to 10 seconds.

Then, relax and repeat.

Again, try to do this for 15 minutes.

Here is another facial exercise you can try at home:

Take the tips of your index fingers and use them to apply pressure on your laugh lines.

Smile as wide as you can while the pressure is being applied. Smile for around 10 seconds before relaxing and repeating a few times.

Home Remedies To Treat Deep Wrinkles Around The Mouth


Aloe Vera Gel

Is there anything aloe vera can’t help with? Probably not.

Aloe vera gel comes in especially handy for our beauty regime, and it can help to eliminate deep wrinkles around the mouth area by moisturising your skin.

To apply this remedy, simply take some aloe vera gel and apply it to any affected area. Leave for around 30 minutes until it’s properly done its absorbing thing, and then rinse off.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for centuries, and it’s particularly useful when it comes to skin care. This is because it contains lots of vitamin E, a key ingredient that your skin needs.

Prepare yourself some olive oil before applying it to your mouth just before you go to bed for the night. Leave on overnight.

Then, rinse off the next morning.

Tomato Juice

As well as being the secret ingredient to a Bloody Mary, tomato juice can slow down the ageing process and eliminate deep wrinkles around your mouth when applied topically. It’s rich in vitamin A, B6 and C, as well as beta carotene and lycopene, all of which your skin wants more of.

Prepare yourself a glass of fresh tomato juice before applying it to the affected areas and gently massaging into your skin. This stimulates better blood circulation and helps with the creation of new skin cells.

Leave for a few moments before rinsing with water.

Then, drink the rest of the tomato juice, yay!

(or save it for the next day)

Lemon Juice & Honey

Lemon juice and honey go together better than rum and coke – that’s how amazing this pairing is!

Indeed, you’ve probably heard all about their potency as a face mask. As a remover of deep wrinkles around the mouth? They’re just as potent.

This is because both are nutrient dense and loaded with vitamins that look after and enhance your skin. Lemon juice goes on the offensive against the nasty free radicals that are intent on causing as much damage to your skin as possible, while honey moisturises your skin and improves circulation.

Put the two together and you’ve got lots of win.

To prepare this remedy, take a tbsp of lemon juice, a tsp of honey and a tbsp of water.

Mix them altogether and apply to any affected areas before leaving for 15 minutes or so.

Rinse with water.

Et voila.

Pineapple Juice

If you love pineapple juice, you’re going to love this home remedy!

Any vegetable or fruit juice is effective for treating most skin problems, but because pineapple juice contains an enzyme called Bromelain, it’s the most effective for treating wrinkles – especially those pesky ones around your mouth.

To apply this home remedy, prepare yourself some pineapple juice. Apply it to your face – let’s do the whole face – before leaving for up to 20 minutes.

Then, rinse off with water.

Egg White and Coconut Oil

Mixing egg whites together with coconut oil is very effective because it tightens your skin and moisturises it. Moreover, this combination prevents your skin from getting dry, and dryness is one of the number one causes of wrinkles around your mouth.

To apply this remedy, mix 1 tbsp of egg white with 1 tsp of coconut oil until you’ve got a paste.

Then, apply the paste to any affected areas and leave to settle for 20 minutes.

Rinse with water.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is needed by your skin. Seriously, your skin craves this vitamin. So give it some!

For this one, take 1 tsp of vitamin E oil and apply it to any affected areas.

Alternatively, you could instead extras the oil from a few vitamin E capsules and apply this directly to your skin.

Either way, leave on your skin for up to 20 minutes before rinsing off with water.


Applying papaya topically to your skin is a great way to eradicate those nasty deep wrinkles and get your youthful glow back. This is because papaya contains a specific enzyme that boosts your elasticity. It eliminates existing wrinkles and prevents new one from forming.

Take a tbsp of papaya and apply it to any affected area. Leave for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Anti-Ageing Cream

This is actually one of the best remedies there is for deep wrinkles around your mouth.

After all, wrinkles are a sign of ageing!

Choose creams that contain retinoids because it’s these that boost your skin’s production of new cells, making it smoother once the wrinkles have beaten a hasty retreat.

Milk Powder and Honey

When mixed together, honey and milk powder is pretty darn powerful! Honey moisturises your skin, while milk powder softens it.

Take 2 tbsp of milk powder, a tbsp of honey and a tbsp of warm water. Mix them together until you’ve got a paste.

Apply to your mouth and leave to settle for 20 minutes.

Rinse off with water.

Eat a Healthier Diet

Once your wrinkles have gone, many of you probably won’t keep applying these home remedies.

In that case, the best way to prevent wrinkles from coming back is to protect yourself from the sun, quit smoking, cut back on alcohol – and eat a better diet.

Diet is so important. If you maintain a proper, balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables and grains, you can prevent wrinkles from returning. Eat food that is boost your body’s production of collagen, such as green vegetables, nuts and soy. Drink lots of water and – as much as possible – stay away from junk food and sugar.

Stay beautiful!

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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