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Adam Lambert Performs 3 New Songs From Trespassing!

     Ever since I played Adam Lambert's debut album For Your Entertainment for the first time back in 2009, I was quickly excited about the follow up project. Adam is a talented artist, talented enough to finish second on season nine of American Idol, a show that was just the beginning of what the artist had to offer. Initial rumors led to a possible release date for Trespassing back in November, but the month came and went and nothing emerged. Lambert gave fans the album's first official single, "Better Than I Know Myself", a few days before Christmas, and the video followed a month after. The song, however, does not even come close to describe the sound of the rest of the album, although it is a heartwrenching, powerful performance.
     A few months ago, the artist confirmed the release date for the highly anticipated record: March 20. Of course I jumped up and down with excitement for weeks, until I got the horrible news that the album would pushed back to sometime in "Mapril" in order to allow time to record new, "cannot pass up" tracks. I can deal with that, I can wait a few more months for greatness, but I just want the album in my hands as soon as possible. Adam has been performing at numerous events leading up to the album's eventual release and has premiered some tracks that will be on the final track list. We have already heard "Outlaws of Love", a beautiful ballad, and the first single, but at a magazine party last night, Lambert treated fans with 3 new songs.
     I almost screamed when I saw that "Cuckoo", a track most publications are going crazy over, was one of the three performed. Then, I got a little pissed off at those that were able to be in the audience. The track sounds like a dance masterpiece, and that chorus... I don't even know how to describe its 80s influenced greatness. I'm about to lose my mind. The album is already sounding like a nice successor to FYE. "Chokehold" contains a slower pace, but still features some impressive instrumentals, at least in the live version. The track reminds me of FYE's mellow moments and I would like to see how it stands compared to the rest of the track list. The last "new" track to be performed was actually performed last month, but now there's better quality. The title track is a folk-y, fast-paced song that takes me back a few years. I feel like I can clap along to the entire beat and Adam provides some soaring vocals that tie the whole thing together.
     One apects all three traks have in common is the energy and power Adam put into each and every one... and that voice, I melted. As if my excitement for Trespassing was not at a boiling point already, I get to fantasize about how good these songs will sound on the album now. All I know is that Lambert better announce a release date for his sophomore effort soon or I'm going to go crazy.
     So that gives us 5 tracks from the new album heard so far. What do you think of "Cuckoo" (my favorite), "Chokehold" and "Trespassing" (listen below)? Will you be buying Adam's new album?

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